Taking your brand on a date…

If you haven’t read ‘Who would swipe right on your brand?’, I suggest taking 90 seconds to first do that.

Let’s assume your brand is human, embodying all its values and attributes.

Now imagine your brand is on a date with your dream person. How do you think that date would go?

How would your brand interact with this dream person? How would it present what it does, what it stands for, and what its life goals are? What kind of people make up your brand’s tribe? What are they passionate about?

How well do you think your dream person would resonate with your brand?

At the end of the date, assuming it's gone well so far, what do you think will happen?

Would your dream person tell you they had a nice time and go home, never to see you again?

Would it end up being a one-night stand? Or would your dream person want to build a long-term relationship with your brand?

Ask yourself, is your brand's positioning clear? When people interact with your brand, do they know what it does, what it stands for, and what its purpose is?

Answering a few fundamental questions will give you a sense of how the world sees your brand based on the interaction it had with your perfect person (a.k.a your ideal customer).

Every successful brand has this in common - a well-defined brand strategy outlining its purpose and direction. As a result, communication is targeted, focused, and crystal clear.

So once again…swipe left, or swipe right?


The Brand Iceberg


Who would swipe right on your brand?